Thursday, July 26, 2012

El Salvador Trip Pictures #1

So I have decide to show ustedes my pictures from our trip to El Salvador back in December 2011. It was a fun trip, but we did have our ups and downs. Also, my nerves were up for the first week because my cousin and I had to learn a dance routine (which we didn't and up dancing) for her quinceañera, it was fun though and I totally felt appreciated since I was her chambelan de honor. Here we are at the airport in NY:
Lol, my brother, sister and aunt
Awkward? My dad.
My brother and aunt, he had taken my cousins book.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Spanish Friday Translation

So, I apologize my friends, I have been very lazy, since it’s summer and theres no school, I can wake up late. A lot has happened since the last time I made a blog entry, I graduated 8th grade, I went to prom,I went to a sweet fifteen, I went to Splish-Splash (a water park), etc, etc. But, sadly, almost all of the days have been VERY BORING, it makes me sick because I always tell my parents “lets go to the beach (my mom doesn’t like the beach), let’s go to the museum, lets go to the zoo.......,” and my dad always says “hopefully this boy is going to be a doctor.” This man! I’m going to make another blog entry soon (hopefully), have a good day and a fantastic summer!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Spanish Friday

Todays spanish friday (I may translate it soon, but it takes a lot of work and I hate google translate):

Pues, discúlpenme mis cheros, que yo he estado bien perezoso, como es el verano y no ay escuela, me puedo levantar tarde. Mucho he pasado desde la última vez que yo hice una entrada de blog, me gradué del octavo grado, fui al baile de graduación, fui a unos quince años, fui a Splish-Splash (un parque acuático) , etcétera, etcétera. Pero, con tristeza, casi todos los días han hecho BIEN ABURRIDOS, me da asco porque siempre le digo a mis papás “vamos a la playa (a mi mama no le gusta la playa), vamos al museo, vamos al zoológico......,” y mi papá siempre sale diciendeo “ojalá que este niño  sea doctor.” ¡Este hombre! ¡Voy hacer otra entrada de blog pronto (ojalá), tengan un buen día y un verano fantástico!